About Me And Blog-O meni i blogu
Ja sam baka Ljilja.Moja unuka i ja smo pokrenule ovaj blog zato što obe volimo kuvanje.Ja pravim jelo i pišem recpt na papiru,a ona to piše na blogu.Takodje,ja komuniciram sa vama.
Na blogu će te naći:
1.Stare recepte koji se prenose sa kolena na koleno decenijama
2.Nove neobićne recepte
3.Savete u vezi kuvanja
4.Dečije recepte
Blog je pokrenut 7.8.2017.
English version
I am grandmother Ljilja. My Granddaughter and I have started this blog because we both like cooking. I make a meal and I write a recipe on paper, and she writes it on the blog. Also, I communicate with you.
On the blog you will find:
1. Old recipes that are passed from knee to knee for decades
2.New unusual recipes
3. Tips about cooking
4. Kids recipes
Na blogu će te naći:
1.Stare recepte koji se prenose sa kolena na koleno decenijama
2.Nove neobićne recepte
3.Savete u vezi kuvanja
4.Dečije recepte
Blog je pokrenut 7.8.2017.
English version
I am grandmother Ljilja. My Granddaughter and I have started this blog because we both like cooking. I make a meal and I write a recipe on paper, and she writes it on the blog. Also, I communicate with you.
On the blog you will find:
1. Old recipes that are passed from knee to knee for decades
2.New unusual recipes
3. Tips about cooking
4. Kids recipes